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why Volunteer? 

What is it.... Why do it.....

So many charities need volunteers to help. Without volunteers money wouldn’t be raised and activities just wouldn't happen, these charities wouldn't then be able to provide the services they do.

My name is Laura and I had been looking at getting some different experience rather than working in a typical administrative role. I wanted something that helped people but didn’t really know where to take it from there.

I came across Active8 and loved that their ethos was to empower and motivate young people, ages 14-30 years old, who have a physical disability. I quickly signed up to become a volunteer.


What events have you supported?

My first event was a murder mystery evening with Illumin8 group. I was very nervous, but I didn’t need to be as it was a fun evening and everyone seemed to be very friendly. 

Next was chocolate making. Oh, what fun helping and chatting to the members! It was informative and the best bit, chocolate at the end. Seeing everyone helping each other and having fun was really warming and at the end hearing one member shout “This has been the best day!! I have really enjoyed doing this” beaming with a huge smile on their faces.

It suddenly hit me how much the members really appreciated the opportunity that Active8 gives them. I knew then that this was something worth doing. I felt great knowing I was part of the groups journey.

My third event was an Escape Room. Our meeting point was Cornwall Services, where I was given the role of chief navigator. With some great driving by Marika and my navigation skills, we got there ok and on time.

I had never been to an escape room before and I wasn’t sure what to expect but two of my team members had been before so at least some of us had some idea. Boy are there difficult if you have never been to one! But (as a team) we muddled through and had some laughs and jokes along the way.

One which still makes me laugh was telling one teammate they must be used to putting their hands in different places being a farmer and that he should be the one to put his hand down the toilet in the dark room… made all of us laugh.

Together we managed to get all the clues and (by the skin of our teeth) we ESCAPED!!!   Having our “WE ESCAPED” photo I think we were all felt proud of what we had achieved. This was another successful event. On the journey home, there were lots of happy yet tired heads nodding in the back of the bus. 


Why do you volunteer?

The feeling when you get home having been at an event makes me feel happy with a sense of, “I have done something worthwhile today”. Making sure members have fun and get something out of it is what the charity is about.

Listening to other trips members have done makes it all sounds so much fun.  Everyone says that they have been lucky to have been given the opportunity to join Active8. Hearing that some members who are on there last bit of their journey with Active8 (because they will be thirty soon) still intend to come back as volunteers speaks volumes that they want to give back to a charity that has helped them so much.

Although I have only just started my volunteering journey, I can’t wait to continue!


 get involved with active8

Have you got some free time??

I can tell you there is no better feeling than doing something worthwhile and being a volunteer. Sign up today you won’t regret it!

Just get in touch to find out more about volunteer roles currently available. Whether you have a passion for event planning, working with people, driving, writing, or if you have skills you could use to run a workshop for the group – there’s a volunteer role for everyone!

Find out more about volunteer roles with Active8.

Get in touch to volunteer with Active8.


Read next

Read what Heather says about her time with Active8.

Read our recent blog about support for families in Cornwall.

Read our recent blog about dealing with "bad days".


Photo of volunteer, Laura, with our Illumin8 group at an escape room event.

About the author

My name is Laura I am 39 years old from Cornwall. I have a 5 year old daughter and love spending time with my family and friends. We enjoy trips to the beach, playing at the park and cricket in the garden. I work part time in an administrative job but wanted to get some different experiences whilst helping other in the community.

I came across Active8 and loved that their ethos was to empower and motivate young people, ages 14-30 years old, who have a physical disability. I quickly signed up to become a volunteer.


The small print made big

The Active8 blog is designed as a platform for our members and the disabled community to share their personal experiences and discussions which they are passionate about. Any views and opinions expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views of our charity.

To the best of our knowledge, the information in blog posts was accurate at the time of publication. Please contact the Active8 manager if you believe any content is incorrect or if you consider any content to be offensive or inappropriate:

Where information in blogs has been taken from third party sources, every attempt has been made to give appropriate credit.

From time to time, writers may receive sponsorship, cash payment, free products, services and/or other forms of compensation from companies and organisations that they promote. Active8 will accept no form of payment for blog content or advertising.

Unless otherwise stated, our blogs (and any links they may contain) are not written or reviewed by medical professionals and do not provide health/lifestyle advice. They are not suitable for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Any suggestions these blogs contain are based on the writer’s personal experience. Should you have any concerns about your health (including mental health) then we advise you should speak with your GP or consultant, in the first instance, or call 999 in an emergency.


  • Big Lottery Fund – National Lottery Funded
  • Clare Milne Trust, Transforming Lives in the South West
  • Cornwall Community Foundation
  • HM Government
  • Cornwall Council Logo
  • Sported Logo
  • postcode lottery