Support for families in Cornwall
Struggling? Or need some help and advice but don’t know where to start?
Here are 10 super quick topics with links to help and family support in Cornwall, for families and young people with a physical disability.
And don’t forget, you can always contact a member of Active8 staff for advice or if you need pointing in the right direction for specialist support – we’re always happy to help.
1/ Parents
Cornwall’s Local Offer
It helps families by gathering information together in ONE PLACE - in order to make informed choices about the support they receive. This includes information about education, training, health and social care services.
Find out more about Cornwall’s Local Offer.
Family Information Service
Includes info on childcare, parenting advice, leisure, money, education, employment and more!
Find out more about Family Information Service.
This is a wonderful charity formed by a group of parents of children with additional needs, to support families to access activities during school holidays.
The Early Help Hub
This is a single point of access for professionals, families and young people in Cornwall to access the help and support they need. Their website can be used to search for different services.
Find out more about The Early Help Hub.
2/ Mental health
There are some great agencies in Cornwall including:
NHS Mental Health Helpline
The Cornwall Partnership NHS Mental Health Helpline is open 24/7 with staff available to provide information, advice and guidance to anyone with mental health concerns (either for their own mental health or someone else’s).
Call: 0800 038 5300
Find out more about support for mental health crisis.
Young People Cornwall
For those age 11-25, Young People Cornwall is a Cornish charity supporting young people’s mental health through a number of programmes.
Find out more about Young People Cornwall.
Pentreath support 14-18 year olds (and adults) with their mental health needs.
Find out more about Pentreath.
Mind Your Way
This is a project set up by the Your Way partnership that helps 11-25 year olds look after their own mental health and wellbeing through counselling and mentoring. Their website also offers resources around anxiety, OCD, depression and more.
Find out more about Mind Your Way.
Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)
CAMHS provide assessment, advice and treatment for children and young people with complex mental ill health. They can also provide information, support and advice to families of someone with mental ill health.
Find out more about Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS).
3/ Safeguarding
Worried about the safety or wellbeing of a child or an adult? Here are three place you can go to discuss or report your concerns:
For concerns about a child or young person
Multi Agency Referral Unit (MARU)
Tel: 0300 123 1116
For concerns about an adult
Cornwall’s Adult Health and Social Care Team
Tel: 0300 1234 131
Find out more about Cornwall’s Adult Health and Social Care Team.
Our Safeguarding Children Partnership for Cornwall & IoS
The Our Safeguarding Children Partnership for Cornwall & IoS website has information and resources to support you if you have concerns for the safety or wellbeing of anyone in Cornwall or the Isles of Scilly (child or adult), information for parents/carers with concerns for a child, safeguarding training, and ways to report your concerns about someone’s safety or wellbeing.
Find out more about Cornwall & IOS Safeguarding partnership.
4/ Housing
There are LOTS of different housing organisations offering advice and support, here are a couple to get you started!
Accomplish Housing
They are a great source of information about supported living and adaptions in your own home.
Find out more about Accomplish Housing.
Do you want to let Council and Housing Association homes in Cornwall? Homechoice is a platform for landlords to advertise vacant properties in Cornwall.
Find out more about Homechoice.
5/ Education
Looking for advice around Education and Health Care Plans (EHCPs)? Or how to apply for a school place?
SENDiass are a fantastic organisation! Their website is full of information linked to education. They are based in Hayle and are only a click or phone call away.
6/ Employment
Looking for work, or perhaps you would like to know more about volunteering? Here are a few places that can help:
United Response
United Response support people with physical disabilities, learning disabilities, and mental health needs in Cornwall.
They can offer support with day-to-day living, support finding the right home, help getting ready for work, support finding a job, education and training.
Find out more about United Response.
Cornwall Neighbourhoods 4 Change
This is an awesome local charity (based in Redruth) offering a wide range of support for families including advice around employment.
Find out more about Cornwall Neighbourhoods 4 Change.
Careers Hub Cornwall/IOS
The Careers Hub aims to help young people make more informed decisions about their future. Keep an eye on their website for information about careers events, including their annual SEND careers day.
Find out more about Careers Hub Cornwall/IOS.
7/ Debt
With the increase in the cost of living, it’s good to know a couple of places for quick support and advice:
Christians Against Poverty*
A brilliant national organisation who offer support and advice around money, budgeting, and debt. They have local workers and fantastic online free resources.
*You do not have to be religious to access this service.
Find out more about Christians against Poverty.
Money Matters
Money Matters have a wide selection of advice around debt, money, DLA and personal budgets.
Find out more about Money Matters.
8/ Benefits Advice
There are SO many sources of information out there, here are a couple I have found very useful:
Citizens Advice Bureau
They are a local charity providing free, confidential, independent advice for everyone. This includes support around benefits, debt, consumer rights, housing, work, health and more!
Find out more about Citizens Advice Bureau.
Disability Cornwall
They are fantastic organisation with a huge amount of free information and advice to people living with a long-term health condition or disability, their families, carers and professionals.
Find out more about Disability Cornwall.
9/ Food
The cost of feeding a family is increasingly high. Here are a few places for help:
Click here to view a map of Cornwall to find support with food in in your local area.
The Trussell Trust Foodbanks
Get help and support without judgement. Trussell Trust can give emergency food for three days or more. You can be referred to the Trussell Trust by your School, GP, and advice agencies.
Find out more about the Trussell Trust Foodbanks.
Community Larders
Community Larders are available to everyone who finds themselves in need. You can collect FREE surplus food which supermarkets can’t sell as it’s near it’s use by date.. but still good!
They also have some “lucky dip bags” which you can buy for a donation of £3 per bag for a whole bag of dried foods and tinned foods (maximum 2 per week).
Find out more about Community Larders.
10/ PA’s
Are you looking to recruit a Personal Assistant to support you becoming more independent? If so, here are a few places to look for more information and support:
Cornwall Council Direct Payments Team
The Direct Payments Team can support with any advice and guidance you may need including job adverts and DBS checks.
Find out more about Cornwall Council Direct Payments Team.
Contact is for families with disabled children to access support and advice on personal budgets and direct payments.
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About the author
Hi I’m Marika! I’ve worked with young people and families for over 20 years (I’m showing my age now….!) in various job roles from Outdoor Education, Family Support, the Disabled Children’s Team and now for Active8!
I have two children and had my fair share of ups and downs as a parent! I love nothing more than helping families who may be struggling in these tough times.
In my free time you’ll find me in wellies in my garden surrounded by my chickens!
The small print made big
The Active8 blog is designed as a platform for our members and the disabled community to share their personal experiences and discussions which they are passionate about. Any views and opinions expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views of our charity.
To the best of our knowledge, the information in blog posts was accurate at the time of publication. Please contact the Active8 manager if you believe any content is incorrect or if you consider any content to be offensive or inappropriate: manager@active8online.org
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From time to time, writers may receive sponsorship, cash payment, free products, services and/or other forms of compensation from companies and organisations that they promote. Active8 will accept no form of payment for blog content or advertising.
Unless otherwise stated, our blogs (and any links they may contain) are not written or reviewed by medical professionals and do not provide health/lifestyle advice. They are not suitable for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Any suggestions these blogs contain are based on the writer’s personal experience. Should you have any concerns about your health (including mental health) then we advise you should speak with your GP or consultant, in the first instance, or call 999 in an emergency.